• .: Welcome to Town… :.

    Doctor Xander Crowe was a formidable psychologist until a terrible tragedy sent him spiraling down the dark pathways of the occult. Now, a strange vision leads Doctor Crowe to the hidden town of Wormwood, where shadows lurk in every corner and evil stains the souls of the inhabitants. Welcome to Wormwood.

  • March 2025
    M T W T F S S

    Wormwood Cast to be announced soon!

    Posted By on June 20, 2007

    Just thought we’d tease you a little…

    We’ve made our final casting decisions, and we’ve sent letters to our chosen cast. Assuming everyone agrees, we’ll soon be able to start promoting our talented cast as we get ready for the first Wormwood Season One Recording Session!

    Wormwood Welcomes Rick Bata to Writing Staff

    Posted By on June 20, 2007

    We’re pleased to announce that we’ve brought a new writer into the Wormwood Creative family, writer Rick Bata. Rick’s a talented new writer, and we’re convinced he’ll add a unique voice to upcoming episodes of Wormwood. With our writing team in place, the Wormwood staff is ready to go!

    Wormwood Tales #2: Rachel’s Decision (The Day Before)

    Posted By on June 19, 2007

    Wormwood Tales are stories written by the Wormwood creative team, designed to tell stories before, after and around our central tale. These stories may contain clues to the mysteries of Wormwood. Or they may not. We’ll never tell.

    We hope you enjoy.

    Wormwood Tales: Rachel’s Decision (The Day Before)
    by Rob Allspaw“Hello?” Her voice called out. “Hello? Is anyone home? Mom? Mom, are you at home?”

    “Damn it!” A loud thud accompanied the angry utterance as Rachel tramped her way through a well-appointed kitchen. She slammed the back door and dropped her backpack on the kitchen floor, adding, “That’s what I get for believing the bitch! Especially after this morning.”

    Rachel was a pretty girl. Pretty enough to get noticed by the boys in her school but awkward enough to be dismissed by them too. The girls in her class didn’t like her much either as they saw the potential for beauty and weirdness in the slight girl.

    She walked through the kitchen searching for the note her mother probably would have left behind. Where she would have put the note was the mystery. Rachel’s mother wasn’t a bad person or a terrible mother: she was just having a hard time trying to raise a strong and willful teenage girl who wanted to be anywhere but Wormwood. Anytime someone told her that raising girls are easier than boys, she would look that person dead and the eye and say, “Go fuck yourself, ” a phrase that caused a bit of a commotion at the last church social, although it was funny to see the Sister George’s face turn bright red in embarrassment.

    “Where the heck did she put the note?” said Rachel, scanning the cluttered corners of the kitchen. “Oh, well look at that. She must have been distracted. It’s on the refrigerator,” she added as she tore the note from the metal door.

    The note read: “Dear Rachel. Sorry, baby girl, but I forgot we had scheduled a book club meeting tonight or I would have not said yes to dinner tonight. I’m sorry, but it was very important that I go to this one tonight. You can have leftovers in the fridge and we’ll do something tomorrow night. Don’t forget, Dexter is spending the night at Matty Mullins. So he won’t be home to bug you. Mom.”

    Continue reading “Rachel’s Decision”…

    Sparrow & Crowe #2: Casting Fear

    Posted By on June 13, 2007

    Our Sparrow & Crowe series features stories about Dr. Xander Crowe and his faithful assistant Sparrow before, around, and after our main tale. These stories may contain clues as to our central mystery. Or they may not. We’ll never tell.

    We hope you enjoy.

    Sparrow & Crowe: Casting Fear
    By David AccampoWhen the phone rings, it’s the intercom from the lobby.

    “Hello?” says Tracy.

    “Crowe,” says the voice from the other end.

    “Please come up.”

    Tracy Caldecott waits, pacing nervously in her living room. The dusty white light of Los Angeles creeps through the blinds on the windows. She wants to throw them open, let the daylight spill in, but she doesn’t dare. Henry doesn’t like the light. Tracy shivers at the thought.

    The knock on the door startles her.

    Tracy’s not sure what she expects when she opens the door, but it isn’t this. The man, Dr. Crowe, is short and rumpled, dressed in a big black overcoat, even though it’s only October in Los Angeles…still an arid 89 degrees. His hair, unwashed, erupts in wild tufts that intersect and tangle in an improbable explosion. His face is put together wrong…all odd angles, uneven, even the reedy goatee seems like it might be held on with spirit gum, a school play that never ended.

    “Ms. Caldecott,” he says, coughing as though it’s the first time he’s spoken all day. His voice is strained, “You contacted my associate.”

    “Yes. Ms. Sparrow.”

    “Just Sparrow. Her Christian name is something altogether routine and not worthwhile. Sparrow’s the moniker upon which she insists, and who am I to judge? Poke fun at, yes, but that’s another story altogether. Ask her about the Michaelson affair—”

    “Um, Mr. Crowe—“

    “Doctor. She didn’t give you my credentials?”

    “Oh, no, I’m sure she did, I’m sorry I just—”

    He silences Tracy with a wave of his hand. It is at this point she notices he is wearing a single black glove on his other hand. He seems to favor it, holding it close to his body. She thinks it must be prosthetic. His voice, this time, is sharp. “Where is it?”

    Continuing reading “Casting Fear”…

    Sparrow & Crowe #1: From the Journal of…

    Posted By on June 8, 2007

    Our Sparrow & Crowe series contains stories about Dr. Xander Crowe and his faithful assistant Sparrow before, around, and after our main tale. These stories may contain clues as to our central mystery. Or they may not. We’ll never tell.

    We hope you enjoy.

    From the Journal of Dr. Xander Crowe
    by Jeremiah Allan

    The Marino Estate is a vast maze of galleried hallways and other assorted, winding passageways, and it was through this muddled stretch of architecture that I was herded by Marino’s men. Tall Sicilians, the lot of them but one, all dark shades and earpieces; suits, too, with matching black ties. It was as if they might have to drop everything at any given moment and attend a funeral, which I doubt is anything but likely given their particular line of work. The odd one out was Armando Aparo, on loan to Marino from the Latin Exchange. They swapped help from time to time as a show of solidarity, the brothers from the North and their drug-smuggling sibling from the South, and neither fought as much as television would lead you to believe. The underworld had changed since the forties, when everybody fought everybody else in a mindless turf war that only depleted the resources of both sides. The mob learned to keep quiet, to work with instead of against each other, and they threw enormous galas where people sipped ten thousand dollar-a-bottle vineyard wine while congratulating each other on their newfound licenses to print money. Aparo wore punk-chains and a wife-beater. He was their leader in the absence of Marino himself, despite being young. What Aparo lacked in age and experience, he more than made up for with his brains and loyalty. Marino knew the value of a star struck mook, even if he was an ambassador and not truly one of Sicily’s finest. Marino knew who to trust, and this guy was squeaky clean—or as squeaky clean as the mob gets. Sparrow couldn’t find a blotch anywhere near Aparo’s record; just like Marino, all covered and safe behind the Almighty dollar, a few of which they had conveniently shoved into my back pocket for traveling expenses.

    It was Aparo who first approached me. “Piss off!” I’d told him. I was on a tear from the pub and didn’t need some sodding wanker trying to sell me on trip-hop and acid. I’d already seen The Lord of the Rings.

    But “Stop!” he said. “This is important business!”

    “The only important business,” I said, “is finding someplace where I can outrun Last Call.”

    He knew better than to flash a gun. Marino had done his homework, knew about the Hand. One of the big selling points for my particular services, he’d confided in me later. Didn’t tell anyone else, knew my secret but he said it was safe. Aparo only knew not to draw, and pulled a flask of high end vodka from his holster instead.

    Continue reading “From the Journal of Dr. Xander Crowe”…

    Wormwood Tales #1: The Secret Origin of Jimmy Details

    Posted By on June 8, 2007

    Wormwood Tales are stories written by the Wormwood creative team, designed to tell stories before, after and around our central tale. These stories may contain clues to the mysteries of Wormwood. Or they may not. We’ll never tell.

    We hope you enjoy.

    Wormwood Tales: The Secret Origin of Jimmy Details

    by Jimmy Details (as told to David Accampo)Rebels are made; they are not born, my friends.

    Listen to me now, and I’ll tell you true. As with any great legend, Jimmy Details’ was borne of fire and honed on the forge.

    Listen and I will reveal secrets never before told.

    This is the origin of Jimmy Details, for our young Master James was not always the guitar-wielding hero who stands before you now.


    He was actually kind of a nerd.

    Young James entered the second decade of his life just as the first, distant growls of grunge marked the death knell of hair metal. But grunge was not for Jimmy, no.

    Jimmy still listened to Roxette and Wilson Phillips.

    Jimmy liked Madonna.

    You’ll ask yourself why, but the answer is simple. Fear. Jimmy’s only exposure to metal was his older cousin’s basement bedroom in Lyonsville. The basement room was dingy, unkempt. Faded posters of women in bikinis and lingerie were taped and re-taped to the walls. He had slippery piles of Playboy magazines and hundreds of cassette tapes stacked in tall rows of an old metal bookshelf. Slayer, Ozzy Ozbourne, Motley Crue. There, in the darkness, in the basement’s permanent gloom, these savages shrieked and howled with rage and pain, and Jimmy, for the first time, knew fear. Their angry masks terrified the boy. This was why his parents referred to his cousin as a “loser,” as “headed for trouble”, as “bad news.” His cousin would turn on the stereo in his room, pop in a cassette, and turn the volume all the way up. Guitars shrieked and chewed the air, drums exploded like staccato gunfire, throats screamed and teeth gnashed, and upstairs…upstairs in the living room, his aunt and uncle would yell uselessly and stomp their feet.

    After that, Jimmy had mostly stayed away.

    His cousin was arrested several months later, anyway, for possession of drugs. Which is exactly what his family expected. “No surprise there,” said Jimmy’s father at dinner that night.

    Jimmy went on, playing video games and listening to pop music. He played Frisbee. He watched cartoons. He was, in short, blissfully unaware.

    That is, until.

    Continue Reading “The Secret Origin of Jimmy Details”…

    Wormwood Begins Auditions

    Posted By on June 7, 2007

    Wormwood has received an overwhelming response in regards to our casting call. We’re currently combing through the submissions, and calling actors for both online and in-person auditions. We’re very excited about the prospects for this unique project, and the performers who have contacted us seem to be very taken with the novel concept of our story and format.

    Wormwood welcomes Tiffiny Whitney onto Writing Staff

    Posted By on June 7, 2007

    We’re pleased to announce that we’ve brought a new writer into the Wormwood Creative family, writer Tiffiny Whitney. Tiffiny is a talented young writer, and we’re sure she’ll add her own unique flavor to upcoming episodes of Wormwood Season One.

    Wormwood Seeks Voice Actors

    Posted By on May 25, 2007


    Friday, May 25, 2007

    Welcome To Wormwood.

    Dr. Xander Crowe, a once prominent psychologist until his obsession with the occult led him down the darkest of paths, has come to town chasing the vision of a drowned woman. But as he delves into the quirky mysteries of the area and becomes entangled in the dark lives of those who know the secrets, the only thing of which Crowe is certain: there is no drowned woman in the seemingly forgotten town of Wormwood… yet.

    “Wormwood” is a serialized weekly podcast blending mystery and horror with human drama and humor, a venture to create compelling online audio drama to compete with the best series on television.


    Open casting call for actors in the Los Angeles area for Habit Forming Films’ new dramatic audio series, “Wormwood.” Auditions will take place online following a standard actor submission process. Note that we will record all segments of the series in the Los Angeles area as a group performance, so actors must be local. We are unable to isolate and record characters separately or online.

    How to Audition:

    The audition process will be conducted online, and coordinated and scheduled the same as with any audition. You will be given sides along with a date and time to login for your read.

    Please be sure to have the following:

    1) Internet Access
    2) Microphone/Headset
    3) Skype Account

    To download and install Skype, visit: http://www.skype.com. There is no fee involved with downloading or setting up new accounts.

    Special Accommodations: If an online audition is not possible, let us know, and we can work to arrange a read in person.

    Primary Characters:

    This is an audio drama. Actors must be able to carry the story with ample and, sometimes, elaborate and twisty dialogue.

    British. Impatient and clever.

    Pugilist, yet sensitive type.

    Elementary teacher, tortured, sad.

    Salesman, broken-hearted.

    Teenager, outcast.

    Teenager, free-spirited.

    College student, has formed over 50 metal bands and counting.

    Tech savvy, Crowe’s Goth assistant.

    High school football jock turned laid-back law enforcement.

    Prim and proper socialite, likes to gossip.

    Bumbling, nervous, lacking experience.

    Town doctor, and a womanizer and lush.

    Six year old boy, sensitive and quiet.

    Bar owner, former drunk, troubled past.

    The town bad girl, sexually aggressive.

    Scholarly vagrant, local rambling drunk.

    Diner owner, psychic. Seen it all.

    Dying to be a family man, occultist.

    Desperate for a child, occultist.

    European, with a sinister, crackling voice.

    To fill with cast taking on different voices.

    Vincent Price type. Briefly introduced in the first act of season one, but factors in considerably in later episodes.


    “Wormwood” has been mapped out for three seasons, each consisting of twenty-four episodes, each episode twenty-minutes in length. We will produce a season over three live group recording sessions, spread out every two to three months. Our first recording session of the initial eight episodes will take place over the third weekend of June. We are expecting each session to run about eight hours. NOTE: THESE WILL BE LIVE GROUP RECORDINGS, ACTORS MUST BE PRESENT FOR THE PERFORMANCE. We are seeking to find a committed cast able to dedicate one full or two partial weekend days every couple of months.
    About Us:

    Habit Forming Films is an award-winning independent production company dedicated to producing ambitious and challenging short films, feature length screenplays, and other new media content. Our first short film won a prestigious Remi award at Houston Worldfest 2006 and a Best Actor award at the Sacramento Film Festival 2007. Our second film will debut at the Mann’s Chinese Theater in Hollywood later this year as part of the FAIF International Film Festival. Currently in post-production, our recently completed short film is a stylized noir aimed at high profile festivals, Sundance and the like.

    Contact Us:

    If interested in submitting for any of the voice roles in “Wormwood,” contact us by emailing a brief introduction and résumé (headshots not necessary, but would be appreciated) to: [email protected].

    VISIT: Habit Forming Films, LLC

    VIEW: Wormwood Online

    NETWORK: HFF on MySpace

    END Wormwood Open Casting Call – Friday May 25, 2007

    The Wormwood Casting Call Begins…05.25.07

    Posted By on May 21, 2007

    Wormwood is Coming...

    Habit Forming Films, LLC is about to begin its casting call for voice actors in the Los Angeles area. You have been forewarned. Wormwood is coming…