• .: Welcome to Town… :.

    Doctor Xander Crowe was a formidable psychologist until a terrible tragedy sent him spiraling down the dark pathways of the occult. Now, a strange vision leads Doctor Crowe to the hidden town of Wormwood, where shadows lurk in every corner and evil stains the souls of the inhabitants. Welcome to Wormwood.

  • October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    In Memoriam: Robert Grindinger

    Posted By on January 8, 2015

    Hi Folks —

    We have to share some very sad news from the Wormwood family. Shortly before the holidays, Robert Grindlinger, the voice of Sheriff Bradley, Don Marino, and soooo many others, passed away.

    What can we say about Rob? We feel very privileged to have known and worked with him. He was one of our first cast actors, as he nailed the world-weary voice of our favorite town sheriff. But he amazed us by rising to every challenge, eagerly taking on a multitude of voices.

    We assumed for example, that we’d just find dog sound effects for our bloodhound, Lil’ Abner. Without missing a beat, Rob confidently told us that effects were unnecessary; he could handle the dog’s voice (even has he was voicing the dog’s owner, Cedric Bloomington). And he proceeded to give Lil’ Abner as much character as any of the voices on the show.

    He also rose to the occasion to match Joe J. Thomas’ various voices, and the two became an amazing team. If Joe gave us a Peter Lorre voice? Rob would match it with a Sydney Greenstreet. Did we need two NPR radio voices discussing werewolves? Joe and Rob would improvise a mini-sketch that had the entire cast rolling with laughter.

    But even beyond Rob’s talent was his generosity of spirit. He was so enthusiastic, not just about his own contribution, but about the entire cast — and the entire project. I honestly felt like Rob was our biggest fan, our most vocal cheerleader. He placed his full trust in our little project, and he was always the first to rush in, ready to help without hesitation.

    I dearly wish I had a photo of this, but I’ll leave you with this image:

    It is our second recording session, at a house in the San Fernando Valley. The actors are all arriving, studying their scripts. Wormwood has launched at this point, there’s a website, an iTunes feed, and even a storefront.

    And into the house walks Rob, dressed head to toe in Wormwood merchandise — nearly every piece we put on our site. He’s wearing a Wormwood ball cap, a Wormwood T-shirt. He’s carrying a Wormwood tote bag. And he’s got Wormwood stickers. And he was PROUD to wear it all, such was his faith in our project.

    I’d like to believe that today, somewhere up there, Rob is readying an improv group of angels, even as he regales them with with tales of his acting days down here upon this mortal coil.

    — Dave Accampo

    Updates: Sparrow & Crowe #2 and the Halloween Special

    Posted By on October 5, 2012

    Hi folks:

    We haven’t really updated the site in a while. Most of our activity is currently being poured into our sister site, sparrowandcrowe.com, which is the best place to go for news and updates about the continuing world of Wormwood.

    Here’s a brief recap:

    Sparrow & Crowe Halloween SpecialIn July, Sparrow & Crowe #1 debuted at the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con. Our sales were steady, and we received from great reviews for the book.

    In August, Sparrow & Crowe #1 launched on Comixology.com as a digital comic for just $1.99. A great price point for anyone who couldn’t find a physical copy of the book.

    Next week, October 10th, 2012, Sparrow & Crowe #2 hits comic book stores. We’ve had some delays, and orders (as is typical with comics) are down on issue #2, so you need to get to your shop and ask for Sparrow & Crowe #2 before they’re gone!.

    In case you have trouble finding either of the first two issues, we have set up a “Where to Buy” page on our Sparrow & Crowe site. Retailers can STILL purchase comics directly from our publisher, Hermes Press, and we also have a local retailer in Los Angeles who is willing to SHIP copies of Sparrow & Crowe to our loyal fans.

    On October 17th, we launch something really fun: The Sparrow & Crowe Halloween Special — this is a black and white digital comics anthology released exclusively on Comixology.com! We’ve set up a Halloween Special page here, and we’ll update it with links to the digital comic when it debuts.

    In November, you will be able to PRE-ORDER Sparrow & Crowe #3 from comics retailers. We NEED our fans to pre-order this book, so that retailers will know to stock it. We will update you when more information is available.

    Also in November, David Accampo and Jeremy Rogers will have a table at the Long Beach Comics and Horror Convention (LBCC). If you’re in the Los Angeles area, be sure to come by and see us! We’ll have copies of Sparrow & Crowe #1-2 with us!

    In December, we have some super secret plans that we can’t share yet! Stay tuned!




    Sparrow & Crowe #1 is available for Pre-Order!

    Posted By on April 24, 2012

    Exciting news here at Wormwood Central. If you’re not yet aware of the most recent updates, make sure you bookmark our comic book site, sparrowandcrowe.com. And also: don’t forget to “like” Wormwood on Facebook; that’s a great way to keep up with our updates!

    Sparrow & Crowe: The Demoniac of Los Angeles #1 debuts in July 2012 from Hermes Press! But the book is available for PRE-ORDER Now! And with the way that comics work, we REALLY need as many fans as possible to pre-order, so that comic book stores know to order enough copies for us to keep producing the series! So, please: ask your retailer to pre-order your copy — we’re in the new (May) Diamond Previews Catalog under HERMES PRESS!

    Here is the Diamond Order Number:

    Diamond Order Number: MAY121179

    Now, check this out — we have some amazing quotes from creators, authors, and press who have read a preview of the first issue of the series!

    Here’s what people are saying:

    “Dark and freshly twisted, Sparrow & Crowe is full of great story, great characters and more awesome demon possessions than you can shake a crucifix at. Accampo, Rogers and Souza have given the world something that’s one part The Exorcist, one part Elmore Leonard, and one part something all their own. Glad I picked this up!”

    – Scott Snyder (American Vampire, Batman, Swamp Thing)

    “In the tradition of Hellblazer and Twin Peaks, the sunny exterior masks a dark and deeply weird Los Angeles.”

    – Gabriel Hardman (Secret Avengers, Exile on the Planet of the Apes

    “A twisted romp through the evil that lurks around every corner in the City of Angels. ”

    – Corinna Bechko (Heathentown, Betrayal of the Planet of the Apes

    “A haunting paranormal whodunit. Your nightmares are about to get a whole lot scarier.”

    – iFanboy.com 

    “Suspenseful and creepy, a slice of supernatural noir”

    – Caroline Pruett, FantasticFangirls.com

    ”[Jared] Souza’s art is something totally original and a breath of fresh air. It’s the first time in years that I’ve seen a punch to the face in a comic, and it just felt brutal.”

    – Paperkeg.com 

    ”This trips my occult-noir fix. I loved the original audio-drama-podcast, so reading Sparrow & Crowe was like meeting old friends at the crossroads of The Exorcist and Chinatown. Dr. Xander Crowe is my patron saint of sardonicism. I’ll always be faithful.”

    – Joshua Alan Doetsch (Strangeness in the Proportion)

    Sparrow & Crowe will keep you engaged in Doctor Xander Crowe’s struggles against the sometimes literal demons of his past whether you’re a fan of Wormwood, horror stories, mysteries, or just damn good writing.”

    – FanboyComics.net


    Wormwood Presents: Sparrow & Crowe Update #2

    Posted By on October 30, 2011

    In which Dave returns to update the audience on the progress made in the Kickstarter campaign and to announce some new rewards designed for our longtime fans — including a VERY limited run of the Wormwood Music Soundtrack!


    Sparrow & Crowe: The Demoniac of Los Angeles

    Subscribe in iTunes.

    Visit sparrowandcrowe.com for more about the Sparrow and Crowe comic book!

    Copyright 2011 Habit Forming Films, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Sparrow and Crowe: The Demoniac of Los Angeles copyright Habit Forming Films, LLC. and Jared Souza.

    More Sparrow & Crowe Pages!

    Posted By on October 25, 2011

    Sparrow & Crowe Pg. 15 - Unfinished
    Sparrow & Crowe Pg. 15 - Unfinished

    If you’ve visited our comic book site, www.sparrowandcrowe.com, you’ve seen some of the sample pages for our upcoming comic book. While we can’t show you all the finished pages yet, we did think it would be interesting to show you some pages in progress — the pencils, inks, and watercolors of Jared Souza.

    So, click on over to the Sample Pages section on the Sparrow & Crowe site, and scroll down for a brief update!

    Wormwood Kickstarter Update – Now with more Fan Rewards!

    Posted By on October 21, 2011

    Folks, we’ll do an audio update shortly, but we wanted to quickly fill you in on some of the added developments since we launched our Kickstarter campaign.

    First: Our deepest thanks to the wonderful support we’ve been shown since we began our Kickstarter campaign. As we type this, we’re nearing the halfway mark on our goal, and we still have over a month left!

    Secondly, on our Facebook page, it’s been noted that some of our diehard Wormwood fans are clamoring for more Wormwood Memorabilia! To that end, we’ve added a few rewards to the Kickstarter campaign, aimed at our longtime Wormwood fans!

    Update #1 – we added an ALTERNATE $25 reward that’s our Audio Fan Reward. With this pledge, rather than receiving a script of the first issue of the comic book, you’ll receive a script of the FIRST EPISODE OF WORMWOOD (“The Coming Storm”) signed by Dave Accampo, Jeremy Rogers, and Rob “Sheriff Bradley” Grindlinger!

    Kickstarter Memorabilia Reward Update #2 – as of this writing, we’ve added a VERY RARE Collector’s set to the Kickstarter campaign! This set include rare promotional materials from the past few years of Wormwood:

    • A Wormwood: Crossroads promotional postcard
    • A Wormwood: Revelation promotional postcard (with EXCLUSIVE Xander Crowe Flash Fiction STORY printed on back! Only printed on these cards!)
    • A 5×5 16-page sampler book for Wormwood & the Five Fingers of Glory – a rare print edition that showcases a few of the Five Fingers stories.
    • The Sparrow & Crowe ashcan mini-comic — ultra rare with a cover that won’t be used in the final book! This is the pitch book we used to land our publisher, so this comic contains additional insights into the “Demoniac” story arc. Only 75 of these books were printed, so these are extremely rare — a must-have for the Wormwood completist.
    Only 20 of these very rare sets are available! We’ve dipped deep into our reserves to pull these pieces together for you!
    We hope these added rewards help to bring some of our many fans out to help support the book! We really want to bring you this next chapter for Sparrow & Crowe (the prequel you’ve been waiting for!), but we still need your support!


    Wormwood Announces Sparrow and Crowe – the comic book!

    Posted By on October 10, 2011

    In which Dave returns to fire up the podcastin’ tubes, announcing the next step in the adventures of Sparrow and Crowe, which needs YOUR HELP to become a reality!


    Subscribe in iTunes.

    Visit sparrowandcrowe.com for more about the Sparrow and Crowe comic book!

    Copyright 2011 Habit Forming Films, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Sparrow and Crowe: The Demoniac of Los Angeles copyright Habit Forming Films, LLC. and Jared Souza.

    Sparrow & Crowe in 2012

    Posted By on September 26, 2011

    Folks, just a brief update.

    We’ll be rolling out some official announcements soon, but for anyone wondering about the previously mentioned comic book… the contracts are signed, and Sparrow & Crowe: The Demoniac of Los Angeles, with art by Jared Souza, is officially scheduled to hit comic books stores in 2012.

    And what’s more, we’ve just received word that Sparrow & Crowe will receive “day-and-date” digital release. What this means to you? A digital copy of Sparrow & Crowe #1 will be available as a digital comic (in the iTunes App store and more) the SAME DAY that the print comic hits shops. So if you want a digital copy? We’ve gotcha covered. Print copy? Same.

    More details sooner than you think!



    Sparrow & Crowe: The Demoniac of Los Angeles

    Posted By on March 31, 2011

    Are you ready for this?

    The Sparrow and Crowe comic book is in development! As we recently mentioned, we’ve been working with artist Jared Souza on a prequel to Wormwood — our first tale is the case of poor Amanda Marino, Doctor Crowe’s last case before the events of Wormwood!

    Here’s a brief teaser we wrote up:

    Once a popular psychologist and best-selling author, Doctor Xander Crowe began a downward spiral after he failed to save the life of Samantha Holloway—a young girl possessed by an ancient Assyrian demon called Adramelech. The tragedy has haunted Crowe since, reducing the once respected analyst of the mind to a drunken, two-bit occult detective, scraping together a living by performing séances and minor exorcisms with the help of his assistant, the gothic hacker-magician called Sparrow. A second altercation with Adramelech has cost Crowe his right hand—which has been gruesomely replaced with a petrified “Hand of Glory.” The hand—which is kept gloved despite its occasional, twitchy movement—imbues Crowe with certain occult abilities, but its origin and ultimate purpose are shrouded in mystery.

    SPARROW & CROWE: THE DEMONIAC OF LOS ANGELES is a 5-part story arc written by Wormwood creators David Accampo and Jeremy Rogers with art by Jared Souza. The mini-series follows Dr. Xander Crowe and Sparrow as they become entangled with Los Angeles mob boss Joseph “Don” Marino, whose daughter becomes possessed by an entity that Crowe believes is the demon Adramelech, returned to torment him once again. (more…)

    The Future of Wormwood

    Posted By on March 3, 2011

    A long overdue blog post, folks…

    We’re not sure how many folks actually visit the website, and what we really need to do is record some audio to put through the feed, but in an effort to keep this site up-to-date, we wanted to share with you a few Wormwood updates.

    While the main Wormwood series is over, there is still  a lot to look forward to.

    Apocryphelia: Seven Thrilling Tales of the Hand of GloryWe are currently at work on two new short stories featuring Xander Crowe and the Hand of Glory. We’re going to package these stories WITH the original “Five Fingers of Glory” stories, in a new collection we’re calling, APOCRYPHELIA. This will be available as an eBook and also as a print collection, so while some of the stories previously existed online, this is your chance to get an actual print collection. and two Crowe stories that will ONLY be seen in that book. We’ll announce more when we get a bit further.

    Also in the works is RED RIGHT HAND, the Xander Crowe prequel novel by David Accampo. This has been in the works for a long time n0w, but it’s still moving forward.Red Right Hand

    In addition, we’re currently working with artist Jared Souza on an original comic book miniseries entitled SPARROW & CROWE: THE DEMONIAC OF LOS ANGELES. Wormwood fans should enjoy this tale, as it is a direct prequel to our series, covering the oft-mentioned tale of Amanda Marino’s exorcism — the very event that sent Crowe scurrying from Los Angeles.

    Sparrow & Crowe - Comic book Page 1And last but not least, we do still have plans for more audio. Wormwood staff writer Rob Allspaw is developing a new spin-off event, which is likely to be a 10-12 part thriller featuring some of the characters and concepts introduced in Wormwood. It’s still a bit early to say anything more about this, but it is something we’re looking forward to.

    For more frequent updates, we strongly recommend you friend us on Facebook. If you’re a Facebook fan, you’ve likely already seen many of these pages, and read these updates. We like Facebook, and it’s a quick, easy way to keep you up-to-date! So check it out!

    We’ve also recently updated our mother-site, Habit Forming Films, and there is additional information there about some of our upcoming projects.