While you’re waiting…
If you follow us on Twitter or Facebook (and really, why aren’t you?), then you’ll know that we recently recorded all 8 episodes of Wormwood: Portraits. We’re working on those, and we should have them to you shortly.
But in the meantime, how about some free comics?
In the sidebar on the right, you’ll see we’ve expanded our collection of comics by Wormwood staff writer, Jeremiah Allan. In between Wormwood writing assignments, Jeremiah’s had a fairly prolific comics output.
We feature some of those comics in our sidebar, but Jeremiah has a new issue out today, and we’d like mention it.
These comics, distributed online via Wowio.com, are FREE to read. And Jeremiah gets paid. You read for free. He gets paid. Yay! Help keep our Wormwood writer fed and clothed by reading his free comics today!
This just out:
The Adventures of Mister Misadventure #2!

You can also search “Jeremiah Allan” on Wowio for a complete selection of his comics work.