Spoiler Alert! Postmortem Episode Three is our special listener mail show, where Jeremy Rogers and David Accampo answer all that we can about Season One and the making of Wormwood. Enjoy!

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This entry was posted by Wormwood
on Tuesday, May 20th, 2008 at 8:49 am and is filed under podcast.
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About The Author
Wormwood: A Serialized Mystery is a full-cast audio mystery that brings the spirit of the radio drama into the 21st century world of podcasting, mp3 technology and RSS feeds. We tell stories to rival the best of television -- using only the theater of the mind.
Hi HFF / Wormwood Show, I just want to say thank you again for such a great audio drama serial, I really do love it.
One of the things an audio drama has over Film/Video/TV is that you can listen to audios all over again without getting tired of it. Just like listening to music – audio lends itself to multiple listens whereas the visual medium tends not to.
Wormwood is compelling listening and I am hanging for series 2 to hit the internet.
Thanks for Postmortem 1, 2 & 3 they have been great to listen to and an interesting insight into all things Wormwood.
All the best with your terrific audio drama.
David Wilks (Melbourne Australia)
PS: Dr Xander Crowe is such a fabulous character.
along with the rest of the cast, all are great.
Rex Harrison!?!? Nah! I think he sounds exactly like Patrick McNee!