Wormwood Writers around the ‘Net

Well, folks… as we previously mentioned, we do have a recording date scheduled, and Wormwood: Revelation is coming soon, but in the meantime, we thought we’d try to share with you some other works our writers are putting together around the web.
First up, David Accampo has a new short story, “Monkeyshines79,” appearing in the latest issue of the online ‘zine, “Grok.” This is a geek-culture magazine, and the theme for this issue is “avatar.” It’s not a Wormwood story, but it does dabble in the fantastic,
Check out the issue here. It’s Free!

And we’d be remiss not to mention the comics of Wormwood writer Jeremiah Allan. We’ve got a few featured in the right-hand column, but Jeremiah’s latest, “Santa & Obama vs. The Martians” is a fun romp (possibly depending upon your politics).
You can check out this comic on Wowio right here.
Jeremiah’s also running his own comics website, KS Comics, with links to all of his comics works at Wowio.
So be sure to check out some of our writers various endeavors, and stay tuned for more Wormwood news… coming soon!