Sparrow & Crowe #1 is available for Pre-Order!

| April 24, 2012

Exciting news here at Wormwood Central. If you’re not yet aware of the most recent updates, make sure you bookmark our comic book site, And also: don’t forget to “like” Wormwood on Facebook; that’s a great way to keep up with our updates! Sparrow & Crowe: The Demoniac of Los Angeles #1 debuts in July […]

Wormwood Presents: Sparrow & Crowe Update #2

| October 30, 2011

In which Dave returns to update the audience on the progress made in the Kickstarter campaign and to announce some new rewards designed for our longtime fans — including a VERY limited run of the Wormwood Music Soundtrack! [powerpress] Subscribe in iTunes. Visit for more about the Sparrow and Crowe comic book! Copyright 2011 Habit Forming […]

Wormwood: Revelation – Promo

| July 30, 2010

Wormwood: Revelation launches on August 11th, 2010. Feel free to distribute this audio promo in its entirety in whatever venue you choose. Link to (Right click on icon and save to download to your desktop.) Copyright 2010 Habit Forming Films, LLC.