• .: Welcome to Town… :.

    Doctor Xander Crowe was a formidable psychologist until a terrible tragedy sent him spiraling down the dark pathways of the occult. Now, a strange vision leads Doctor Crowe to the hidden town of Wormwood, where shadows lurk in every corner and evil stains the souls of the inhabitants. Welcome to Wormwood.

  • March 2025
    M T W T F S S

    Wormwood: Revelation: Chapter Four

    Posted By on September 1, 2010

    Ghosts like wet wash rags; Gypsy Princess and the Science Geek; The brave act of the sacrificial lamb; theology and coffee; The trouble with single combat.

    Habit Forming Films proudly presents: Wormwood: Revelation: Chapter Four!

    Written by Paul Montgomery, Rob Allspaw and David Accampo

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    Nicole Rayburn as Deidre Frost
    Robert W. Allen as Special Agent Elijah Voitek
    Peter Dirksen as Jonesy
    Ben Boodman as Bishop Grail and Chip Drexal
    Anna Maganini as the Wolf Queen and Commander McQueen
    Morgan Walsh as Sister George
    Rob Grindlinger as Sheriff Bradley
    Dave Johnston as Deputy Drexal
    Samantha Turk as Henry Howe
    David Accampo as Jacob Kitter
    Sonia Perozzi as Rachel Nolen
    and Joe J Thomas as your Announcer

    Edited by David Accampo
    Audio Recording Engineered by Greg Wilkinson

    Recorded and Produced by Habit Forming Films, LLC

    Original Music Composed by Todd Hodges

    Staff Writers:
    Jeremiah Allan, Rob Allspaw, Tiffiny Kaye Whitney and Paul Montgomery

    Executive Producers:
    David Accampo and Jeremy Rogers

    Copyright 2010 Habit Forming Films, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

    Wormwood: Revelation: Chapter Three

    Posted By on August 25, 2010

    Destiny and fate and all that crap; A phone call from Ella points to unforeseen complications; Hidden secrets of the man-cave; All the memories you never had.

    Habit Forming Films proudly presents: Wormwood: Revelation: Chapter Three!

    Written by Rob Allspaw, Paul Montgomery and David Accampo

    Listen Now!

    (Right click on icon and save to download to your desktop.)

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    Sonia Perozzi as Sparrow and Rachel Nolen
    Arthur Russell as Doctor Xander Crowe
    Peter Dirksen as Jimmy Details
    Anna Maganini as Commander McQueen
    Robert W Allen as Agent Voitek
    David Accampo as Jacob Kitter
    Dave Johnston as Deputy Wayne Drexal
    Samantha Turk as Henry Howe
    Joe J Thomas as your Announcer

    The nameless SNSA Agent who interrupts Crowe and Sparrow during their scene in the tent:  Zachary Foulkes.

    Edited by Jeremy Rogers

    Audio Recording Engineered by Greg Wilkinson

    Recorded and Produced by Habit Forming Films, LLC

    Original Music Composed by Todd Hodges

    Staff Writers:
    Jeremiah Allan, Rob Allspaw, Tiffiny Kaye Whitney and Paul Montgomery

    Executive Producers:
    David Accampo and Jeremy Rogers

    Copyright 2010 Habit Forming Films, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

    Wormwood: Revelation: Chapter Two

    Posted By on August 18, 2010

    Wolverines at sunset; A sunny proposition;  Agents of M.E.T.A.L.; Instant coffee and the failure of trust; Cold hands, colder heart.

    Habit Forming Films proudly presents: Wormwood: Revelation: Chapter Two!

    Written by Tiffiny Kaye Whitney, Rob Allspaw and David Accampo

    Listen Now!

    (Right click on icon and save to download to your desktop.)

    Subscribe in iTunes.


    Peter Dirksen as Jimmy Details
    Morgan Walsh as Sunny
    Rob Grindlinger as Sheriff Tom Bradley
    Ben Boodman as Chip Drexal and Bishop Grail
    Dave Johnston as Deputy Wayne Drexal
    Arthur Russell as Doctor Xander Crowe
    Sonia Perozzi as Sparrow and Rachel Nolen
    Samantha Turk as Henry Howe
    Zachary Foulkes as Adramelech
    Anna Maganini as Lynnette Bradley
    David Accampo as Jacob Kitter
    Joe J Thomas as your Announcer

    Additional wolves, vampires and soldiers by: Nicole Rayburn, Zachary Foulkes, Ben Boodman, and Rob Allen

    Edited by David Accampo

    Audio Recording Engineered by Greg Wilkinson

    Recorded and Produced by Habit Forming Films, LLC

    Original Music Composed by Todd Hodges

    Staff Writers:
    Jeremiah Allan, Rob Allspaw, Tiffiny Kaye Whitney and Paul Montgomery

    Executive Producers:
    David Accampo and Jeremy Rogers

    Wormwood: Revelation: Chapter Two

    Copyright 2010 Habit Forming Films, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

    Wormwood: Revelation: Chapter One

    Posted By on August 11, 2010

    Torture as a means of coping with loss; Dreams of mud and dismemberment; The one-armed man returns; A ghostly alliance; Conversations in a cave and the predictable nature of teenage boys.

    Habit Forming Films proudly presents: Wormwood: Revelation: Chapter One!

    Written by David Accampo and Jeremy Rogers

    Listen Now!

    (Right click on icon and save to download to your desktop.)

    Subscribe in iTunes.


    Arthur Russell as Doctor Xander Crowe
    Sonia Perozzi as Sparrow and Rachel Nolen
    Joe J Thomas as Abacus Bressier, Hank Mason and the Announcer
    Briony James as Miss Ginter
    David Accampo as Jacob Kitter
    Samantha Turk as Henry Howe and the Waitress
    Zachary Foulkes as Colin Crane
    Anna Maganini as the Wolf Queen
    Additional wolves by: Nicole Rayburn, Zachary Foulkes and Dave Johnston

    Edited by Jeremy Rogers

    Audio Recording Engineered by Greg Wilkinson

    Recorded and Produced by Habit Forming Films, LLC

    Original Music Composed by Todd Hodges

    Staff Writers:
    Jeremiah Allan, Rob Allspaw, Tiffiny Kaye Whitney and Paul Montgomery

    Executive Producers:
    David Accampo and Jeremy Rogers

    Copyright 2010 Habit Forming Films, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

    Wormwood: Revelation – Promo

    Posted By on July 30, 2010

    Wormwood: Revelation launches on August 11th, 2010. Feel free to distribute this audio promo in its entirety in whatever venue you choose. Link to www.wormwoodshow.com.

    Listen Now!

    (Right click on icon and save to download to your desktop.)

    Wormwood Revelation Audio Promo

    Copyright 2010 Habit Forming Films, LLC.

    Wormwood: And Now a Word from our Sponsor…

    Posted By on July 28, 2010

    Is Adramelech right for you? Also: David Accampo announces a few tidbits in preparation for Wormwood: Revelation, including the official launch date.

    Listen Now!

    (Right click on icon and save to download to your desktop.)

    Copyright 2010 Habit Forming Films, LLC.

    First Revelation Recording done; Exclusive Giveaway at SDCC this week!

    Posted By on July 19, 2010

    Wormwood Revelation Postcard
    Wormwood Revelation Postcard

    We’ve finished the first of two Wormwood recording sessions. The second will come in two weeks, and then Wormwood Revelation: Chapter One will launch on 8/11/2010 (look to the above postcard for the signficance behind that date). We’ve brought in an additional post-production guru to help us with the edits, so we’re hoping that Greg Wilkinson (everyone: welcome Greg!) will help us keep on a weekly schedule from chapters one through eight.

    As mentioned in a previous post, these episodes were incredibly challenging to write, and even though it’s only eight episodes, we’ve actually accumulated 240 pages of script, meaning that at least half of these remaining episodes are extra-sized to fit in all the story we needed to tell.

    One additional note:

    The above Wormwood Revelation Postcard is being printed and David Accampo and Jeremy Rogers will bring a LIMITED quantity to the San Diego Comic-con International this week. What’s so special about these cards? The back contains a COMPLETE and ORIGINAL Dr. Xander Crowe flash fiction story, written exclusively for these postcards. So, if you’re headed to SDCC, make sure you look for us, and ask us for your Wormwood Revelation Postcard!

    Wormwood Writers around the ‘Net

    Posted By on June 30, 2010

    Grok from Alert Nerd Press
    Grok from Alert Nerd Press

    Well, folks… as we previously mentioned, we do have a recording date scheduled, and Wormwood: Revelation is coming soon, but in the meantime, we thought we’d try to share with you some other works our writers are putting together around the web.

    First up, David Accampo has a new short story, “Monkeyshines79,” appearing in the latest issue of the online ‘zine, “Grok.” This is a geek-culture magazine, and the theme for this issue is “avatar.” It’s not a Wormwood story, but it does dabble in the fantastic,

    Check out the issue here. It’s Free!

    Santa & Obama vs. The Martians
    Santa & Obama vs. The Martians

    And we’d be remiss not to mention the comics of Wormwood writer Jeremiah Allan. We’ve got a few featured in the right-hand column, but Jeremiah’s latest, “Santa & Obama vs. The Martians” is a fun romp (possibly depending upon your politics).

    You can check out this comic on Wowio right here.

    Jeremiah’s also running his own comics website, KS Comics, with links to all of his comics works at Wowio.

    So be sure to check out some of our writers various endeavors, and stay tuned for more Wormwood news… coming soon!

    Revelation is coming…

    Posted By on June 23, 2010

    It occurs to us that despite the fact that many of you get our updates on Twitter and Facebook, there are many more of you who watch our feed but don’t pay attention to our social media updates.

    Thus, a brief update:

    Wormwood: Revelation is currently under construction. Most of the episodes have been written, and we are putting the final touches on the final episodes. We have scheduled a recording session with our cast (no small feat in the throes of summer-time), and we have our crew in place.

    It’s taken us longer to write Revelation than any other Wormwood series. Endings are very hard, and we wanted to make sure we got it right. The final eight episodes of our series have had more writers’ meetings than the entirety of season two.

    We know many of you are anxiously waiting. As we’ve said many times in our post-mortem shows, Wormwood is a second job and a labor of love, and we’d rather take the time we need to bring you the show as we best envision it, rather than shortcut it for something faster.

    To that end, and to the request of some of you, we’ve actually added a donations button in the right sidebar. We do pay for hosting, we pay for our recording sessions, and it does add up. So if you’d like to donate to the cause as a show of support for our little drama, we would greatly appreciate it. The show remains 100% free, but some of you have expressed a desire to help the show, and we are finally doing something to that end.

    In other news, Wormwood was mentioned in an article about radio dramas in the Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/tv-and-radio/2010/jun/20/radio-drama. It’s very exciting to be mentioned, however briefly, in a regular media outlet! So let’s hear it for radio drama, folks!

    Wormwood: A Serialized Mystery Podcast

    Posted By on March 30, 2010

    Wormwood is an audio drama, which means that it’s like  a television show without the picture. It is theatre of the mind.

    Wormwood is a serialized mystery. There is a story within these episodes that began with Episode One, Season One.

    Wormwood is currently in the midst of its third season. To properly appreciate Wormwood, you must go back to season one and start at the beginning.

    Here is a complete list of episodes, from oldest to newest.

    Here is the very first episode.

    Here is the listing of all episodes in iTunes.