Armed with specially-printed CDs, Habit Forming Films will be in attendance at the 2007 San Diego Comi-Con show on Thursday, July 26th through Saturday, July 28th. So look for us, and we’ll give you a free CD containing the first two episodes of Wormwood.

So take a look for these mugs:

and proudly exclaim: “I’ve come for the dead woman!”
This entry was posted by Wormwood
on Monday, July 23rd, 2007 at 1:53 am and is filed under Publicity.
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About The Author
Wormwood: A Serialized Mystery is a full-cast audio mystery that brings the spirit of the radio drama into the 21st century world of podcasting, mp3 technology and RSS feeds. We tell stories to rival the best of television -- using only the theater of the mind.
Not only have I come for the dead woman, but I may be the kiiler itself…just to tell the audience now and in the future…this was and will be the most fun you can let your ears have in a long time. Trust me, I’ve been around long enough to know a great thing when I’m a part of it. Hear you later…Rob G. (Sheriff Bradley)
Very slick packaging, amigos.